Working with us.


Stage 1

It all begins with your ideas. We meet with you and listen to what you want to achieve.

What is the impetus for your project? How do you want to feel when you walk into the finished building?

We will help you create a project plan so you can progress with confidence through each step of the journey ahead.


Stage 2

If you’re not sure what’s possible, our fixed price concept design workshop can help you get off to a great start.

We measure up your building and produce a 3D model of your existing space.

Then we book in a half day or whole day workshop with you - moving walls so you can explore your ideas in the 3D model.

Stage 3

Once you know which direction you want to take, for many projects the next milestone is planning application.

We tailor your application to demonstrate how it complies with your local authorities policy, improving the chance of success.

If your project might be controversial, we suggest a pre application discussion and can co-ordinate consultation.


Stage 4

Once the design is established, we collaborate with design professionals such as structural engineer and kitchen specialists to create technical information that demonstrates compliance with the Building Regulations, and will become a set of instructions for the builder.

Spending more time and attention at the design stage can save you thousands, by avoiding costly changes after work starts on site.

Stage 5

You may have a trusted builder in mind.

If not, we can guide you through the shortlist process, and prepare tender documents so you can compare quotes.

We will help find a suitable form of building contract and advise on clauses to protect you and your builder should a disagreement arise.


Stage 6

If your project is complex or unusual, hiring a professional to make regular inspections will help you to achieve the vision you set out for.

The building inspector will check technical compliance - which is mostly on essential things you may never see.

By hiring a design professional to make additional regular site inspections, you can ensure detailed co-ordination so that the finish that you will see and touch is exactly what you have in mind.


Ask about our Clarity Review

Ask about our Clarity Review

A surgeon wouldn’t operate without a proper diagnosis, and our Clarity Review works the same way.

It is our process to fully understand your vision, values and desired outcomes together with the unique opportunities and constraints of your project site.  We report our findings and recommendations with a plan for you to move forward and an estimated timeline and order of cost to help you set a budget.

The Clarity Review will move you from the blue square where there are many unknowns to the yellow square where you have a clear strategy to move forward into the design phase.

We find that this stage delivers its value multiple times over, because it sets out a tailored project plan and direction for design suited to the  unique constraints and opportunities of the site.

What our Clients say about us

  • " Jenny was so calm and reassuring, she produced a really thorough planning report that addressed all of the concerns raised .. She contacted .. the Conservation and Planning Officers and we finally got our planning consent just before Christmas!"

    Naomi, Milton Keynes

  • “I highly recommend Azona design for the exceptional service provided for an 8 unit commercial to residential conversion. The result was a conversion that exceeded expectations and initial top end valuation projections.”

    Julian, Weston super Mare

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