
Jenny Okoye -


Jenny has over 20 years experience in private practice and with a local authority, and has specialised in working with schools since 2001.

Although Jenny’s projects have included Ikea Bristol and an acute mental health unit at the Princess Royal University Hospital in Bromley, she has specialised in buildings for schools, small commercial conversions and individual houses.

One of my earliest memories is my first day at nursery school. It was a picturesque little hall, but the teacher’s face was silhouetted against light from the high windows, and glare from the dark parquet floor was dazzling. Apparently I played outside all day, refusing to come inside even for lunch, and I point blank refused ever to return! In contrast I remember playing happily inside floor to ceiling windows at my next nursery, overlooking a small wooded green. I suppose that is where my passion for learning environments stems from; the child’s view.

Jenny is married with three grown up children and enjoys walking in the countryside with her black labrador retriever, Charlie.
